Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Selecting a Memorable Domain Name

Great ways for getting free traffic is what we are gathering information about. Whether it is a blog about "how to" topics or its about an individuals family blog, one thing you must know about is it should have a memorable domain name. A catchy blog name is always good to see and remember. The simple point that I want to mention here is  if you're launching a new blog, choose a name people will remember easily. 

I still remember years ago, I visited a site called "". Its logo is a face with a bored feelings. Sounds awkward, doesn't it? However, all it took for me to remember that unusual site was ONE visit years ago.You may not wish to go to such extreme lengths, but at least ask yourself: "Will people remember my domain name?" That is how you would get a good domain.

I do know that there are many domains that you would think are best for your blog but that are no more available. It's because of the trend that people have set. Many bloggers that I know have more than 10 blogs in average. So It won't be easy for you to get the desired domain. Still there are domains that are available for you to buy. Just think fast, because you don't want to wait for someone to get the domain you think suites for your blog.
You can see recommended blog names at which has a handy tool to help you choose domain names. Also, you can find a surprising number of good deleted (expired) domain names at both those websites are free. So I hope you get the best domain for your blog because it will surely help you get in the SEO rankings and eventually you will get traffic to your blog. Memorable domain name will get you boat load of traffic that you are looking for.

Waiting for your comments and suggestions Abeer Khan. Follow my whole series of "How to Blog" on


fuss said...

I guess if you source excerpts, it's ok with me.


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